Subject Res: [firebird-support] INSERT Multiple Rows same SQL Statment
Author Luis Carlos Junges
>Those are constants. Something like this:

>insert into ...
>select 'foo', 42 from rdb$database ...

You are asking me to do something like this:

SQL> insert into tbcurrencyquotes(basecurrency,quotecurrency,currencyquoteyear,
price) select 'AUD','USD',2009,2 from tbcurrencyquotes union all select 'BRL','U
SD',2009,4 from tbcurrencyquotes;

it does not give any error, but also not insert nothing.

SQL> commit;
SQL> select * from tbcurrencyquotes;

Luís Carlos Dill Junges ©

"A realidade de cada lugar e de cada época é uma alucinação coletiva."
Bloom, Howard

----- Mensagem original ----
De: Sasha Matijasic <selectnull@...>
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2008 11:45:36
Assunto: RE: [firebird-support] INSERT Multiple Rows same SQL Statment

> >I think it's easier like this:
> >insert into table_ (field1, field2)
> >select val1_1, val2_1 from rdb$database union all
> >...
> >select val1_2, val2_2 from rdb$database;
> Agree, as far as you have the tables with the source data.

Those are constants. Something like this:

insert into ...
select 'foo', 42 from rdb$database ...


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