Subject RE: [firebird-support] ISQL -merge_stderr switch missing in FB2.1.1
Author Maya Opperman
>> I have a piece of source code (originally developed for IB 6 then FB
>> 1.0.3 then FB 1.5) that is calling ISQL.EXE with a -merge_stderr
>> In FB 2.1.1 now, it no longer recognises this switch.

>You can print list of valid switches when you call isql with invalid
switch (e.g. isql -?)
>There you can see
> -m(erge)
>i.e. use either of -m, -me, -mer, -merg, -merge

Thanks Ivan! Silly me, I was just doing this on the 1.5 version, which
gives you these results:

isql -?
Unknown switch: ?
isql [<database>] [-e] [-t <terminator>] [-i <inputfile>] [-o
[-x|-a] [-d <target db>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>]
[-page <pagelength>] [-n] [-m] [-q] [-s <sql_dialect>]
[-r <rolename>] [-c <num cache buffers>] [-z] -nowarnings

So, great I can use -m for both FB1.5 and 2.1