Subject RE: [firebird-support] FB 2.1 Issue with select distinct
Author Alan McDonald
> Alan McDonald wrote:
> >> Hi. We have a table with applicants and use the 'select distinct
> >> (surname) from applicant' to populate a drop-down.
> >>
> >> The resulting list includes applicant with a surname "Wilson " but
> >> not "Wilson".
> As others have said, "Wilson" = "Wilson " under SQL rules.

sure - but I've never experienced a distinct statement return "Wilson "
I can't store "Wilson " as separate from "Wilson"
maybe it's CHARSET NONE which causes this?

> >>
> >
> > Is the (surname) field a varchar? or char? It might be char in your
> case and
> > maybe it should be varchar.
> The rules are the same for char and varchar.
> Good luck,
> Ann