Subject Re: [firebird-support] BLOB subtype 5 - Firebird Embedded - Win32
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:33 PM 25/06/2008, you wrote:
>While Create Table with subtype 5 (Binary) with BLOB(1,5) I get an error
>"Data type unknown. Blob sub_types bigger than 1 (text) are for internal use
>Something changed between 2.0 an 2.1 with the Binary BLOB types?

Nope. Sub-types higher than 1 have always been internal subtypes with special text or text-like encodings. Subtype 5 stores encoded table metadata.

Where did you get the information that a user-defined binary blob's subtype should be 5? It has always been - and still is - 0. You can define your own subtypes using negative numbers.
