Subject RE: [firebird-support] Why is it invalid?
Author Leyne, Sean

> I Firebird says this syntaxis is wrong, but I think it is simple and
> standard sql (Isn't it?); PostgreSQL and Oracle accepts it:
> (select "TPRO"."DSCR" as "D_TPRO",cast(' ' as character(1)) as "NUME"
> from "PROC" left outer join "TPRO" on "PROC"."TPRO"="TPRO"."TPRO"
> where "PROC"."PROC"='1KZM64V704')
> union
> (select "TPRO"."DSCR" as "D_TPRO", "OTIP"."NUME" from "OTIP" left
> outer join "TPRO" on "OTIP"."TPRO"="TPRO"."TPRO"
> where "OTIP"."PROC"='1KZM64V704')
> order by "NUME"

You need to drop the "(" ")" around the SELECT statements...
