Subject Re: [firebird-support] when sqlcode do nothing (null in Oracle)
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:53 AM 15/06/2008, you wrote:
>I'm trying to hide exception (which means dup_val_on_index in Oracle)
>In Oracle usage I use null; to do nothing but i couldn't find what to
>do in Firebird?
> begin
> insert into mail_address(mail_address, name) values
>(:i_mail_address, :i_name);
> when sqlcode -2 do nothing....
> end
> end

It is practically the same in Firebird - though of course Oracle's sqlcodes don't apply to Firebird.

For your example, sqlcode -803 encompasses (currently) two types of uniqueness violation, one for unique index violations and one for unique constraint violations (primary key or UNIQUE constraint):

Sqlcode -803
isc code 335544349
Symbol no_dup
Message Attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "@1"

Sqlcode -803
isc code 335544665
Symbol unique_key_violation
Message Violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2"

The sqlcode -803 will catch either exception:
insert into mail_address(mail_address, name) values
(:i_mail_address, :i_name);
when sqlcode -803 do
/* swallow any uniqueness violation */

However, the sqlcode is sometimes too blunt an instrument. You have the option to use the gdscode symbol directly instead to catch just one exception, leaving constraint protection to force an exception on the other one.
insert into mail_address(mail_address, name) values
(:i_mail_address, :i_name);
when gdscode no_dup do
/* swallow the exception */

Docs enumerating the error codes are available from the documentation index.
