Subject Re: Read-only DB on a network share
Author max.muster666
--- In, "Anderson Farias"
<peixedragao@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I have a DB on a network Drive "z:\", but i get a SQL Message -904 ,
> You can *not* have a FB database on a network drive. FB server needs
> database to be on a disc on the very same machine the process is running
> Regards,
> Anderson Farias

Ok ,
but in Message #93483 Helen writes:

There is a config parameter allowing a database to be on a network
device. It
is then *possible* to access a database on a network device but the
will shortly self-destruct once record versions get mobile and more
storage is

However, Firebird has a feature that lets you set a database to be
read-only. A
read-only database never moves records around and never needs more
disk space -
hence it is safe for this purpose: but ONLY this purpose.

Regards Max