Subject Re: [firebird-support] Decimal woes
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:18 PM 9/03/2008, you wrote:
>I have a decimal (9,3) field in my database.
>On Windows with my ODBC client, when I save a value such as 120, it
>gets stored as 120.0 by the Windows superserver.

Actually, it gets stored as 120000. The RDB$FIELD_SCALE value in the domain definition record (RDB$FIELDS) says how many of the rightmost digits should follow the decimal point. If you see "120.0" it is your driver, or some element of your user interface software, that decides how to deal with those trailing zeroes for display.

>But when I use my Windows ODBC client with a Linux superserver, it
>stores the same value as 1.2 ! The Window ODBC client is using Wine.
>Any ideas?

No. But how are you determining how the number got stored? Is that the result you see from an isql query? Or is it some third-party GUI product?
