Subject Re: [firebird-support] Failed to establist a connection. unknown Win32 error 10060
Author André Knappstein, Controlling
~~~Ihre Nachricht~~~

l> I am receiving the following error message on a client machine running
l> Firebird 1.5 when I try to connect back to the server.

l> Failed to establish a connection. unknown Win32 error 10060.


that message can be caused by different things. Only 2 weeks ago I
encountered a very shameful situation for me. I helped someone to
change his database to Firebird and we constantly received that 10060

After playing around with Firewall, Antivirus-Complete-Suites and
whatever, only after 2 hours I came by the idea to check if the server
was running at all... guess the rest.

The installation was on a Win 2000 Server, something I never did
before but I just did not expect any problems. In fact the FBServer is
shut down from time to time, without the guardian restarting it. I
don't know if there is a general problem with FB on Win2K-Server.

For that special case it won't matter, because it's a testing
environment. The production will be run by Win2003 Server.

What I learned from this (again): something not running, check if it's
plugged in at all _FIRST_!

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