Subject Re: [firebird-support] UTF8 in Blob, subtype Text & IBObjects
Author Martijn Tonies
> >> - V4.8.7
> >> - Using IB_Grid
> >> - UTF8 client connection
> >>
> >> I think that specification of IBO...
> >
> >Are you telling this works for you? In both the varchar and blob?
> >(do note, I'm using TIBOQuery, not a IB_Grid)
> You must be *displaying* the blob in something. Even the VCL controls
(including TDBMemo and TMemo) all have a font.Charset property that's just
defaulted unless you set it to be aware of the charset of the data. So what
you're after is a streamable control that offers similar for UTF8. I
suspect you will need the TNT controls to handle that.

Yes, in a grid, obviously.

But that's not what I'm asking --

I'm saying it displays fine for VARCHAR, but not for a Text Blob.

Why is there a difference? Is it IBO, should I change something?

Or is it something else?

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Sybase
SQL Anywhere, Oracle & MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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