Subject Re: [firebird-support] Diffrence between Firebird 1.5 and Firebird 2.0
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:10 PM 25/09/2007, you wrote:
>Dear Sir or Madam,
>I have an application named AvERP. AvERP works very well with Firebird
>1.5. I installed Firebird 2.0, but AvERP didn't work with it. What is
>the difference between Firebird 1.5 and Firebird 2.0? Which SQL-commands
>included in Firebird 1.5 and are not implemented in Firebird Firebird 2.0?

Nothing like that. A likely cause of problems would be existing
queries on multiple tables that mix up relation aliases with relation
names in the same statement. This is no longer legal. Also not
legal any more is to write multi-table queries where field name
references are not qualified - many people will need to pay attention
to WHERE, ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses.

Read the release notes (or ignore them at your peril!) You'll find
them in the doc directory of your Firebird installation. You haven't
said in what way your ERP software "didn't work". That isn't useful
if you're serious about getting answers.
