Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird 2 on Ubuntu 7.04
Author Werner F. Bruhin

dr_bentonquest wrote:
>> Are there any packages available for this?
>> Don't see any on sourceforge, but maybe some unofficial ones exist?
> I know is not the answer you want but... You can always install from
> source code. It's rather easy:
Thanks, I had seen this before but it didn't work for me, at least first.

I then removed the 1.5 install which is what Ubuntu installs (if one
uses Add/Remove Applications) and then downloaded
FirebirdSS- and used the instructions given in the
above blob entry.
> I wish there were .deb packages for Firebird 2.x. though. Would give
> Ubuntu server a real boost :)
Yes, it would be very nice, especially for new comers to Ubuntu/Linux
like me.

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