Subject Re: FB Service shutting down all by itself
Author rogerpullen
Hi - - the UDF is the as-supplied ib_udf installed at the
same time. The funny thing here is this combination has been running
for years OK with hyperthreading ON. We only had problems when we
turned it off ( as everyone says we should) so when something mis-
behaves you look for what has changed. We have turned it back on
today and all seems well.


--- In, "Leyne, Sean" <Sean@...>
> Roger,
> > Hi - looked at the log - there are entries like:
> >
> > "Access Violation - The code attempted to access a virtual address
> > without privilege to do so. the exceptioi will cause the Firebird
> > server to terminate abnormally"
> >
> > Which it did and re-started
> >
> > I believe this is because the server has hyperthreading switched
> NOPE! Superserver runs better with Hyperthreading turned off.
> > (make FB run faster?) but the db uses UDF's (the std firebird
> > and there may be a threading issue if a call is being made to the
> > same UDF by more than one user at the same time.
> The error is very likely due to a bad UDF.
> Please confirm the exact Firebird version and UDF library
> you are running.
> Sean