Subject RE: [firebird-support] What hardware will I need for my DB?
Author Carrell Alex
Over a Wlan. I presume you mean wide area network.

FB works fine. Just parts of the software dependent on database access will
run slower than normal.

...But I would recommend local connections and have users use programs via
Terminal services/VPN etc.

Using over wlan, I think the worst problem is the network, its reliabilty,
quality. I think the only factors you influence are the amounts of data
moving over it. So the software needs to to fetch as little from database as
possible, and access it as little as possible. The reason being that users
may think a program is not good, due to sluggish response times due to
network speeds , network failure, so on.
We have 4MB connection here for several sites, and in emergencies I and a
few others connect directly, but we expect the software to be slow and try
not to do much. The two dozen users who connect in from wlan come in via
windows terminal services/remote desktop.
Teriminal services/VPN etc just compress and pass the bits of the screen
that change, and that's not much data so its much faster to use.

Another option is write a web front end. Which is what I think I will be
doing next.

|-----Original Message-----
|[] On Behalf Of Martijn Tonies
|Sent: 06 September 2007 08:29
|Subject: Re: [firebird-support] What hardware will I need for my DB?
|> Thanks for your answers Martijn! A few more questions:
|> What do you mean by "any modern machine should do"? Modern
|machines range
|from $250 to the sky. Could you point me to a typical configuration?
|I'm not at all an expert on hardward configurations, but given
|the few client connections that you have on your application,
|you should be able to run it on pretty much anything that's
|available :-)
|Do use the UPS though.
|> Apart from having the most important fields indexed
|properly, what's the
|sinlge most important thing for making sure that my queries
|will perform
|Testing (with a fair amount of data).
|> What bad experience do you have with using WLAN and FB together?
|You can leave out "Fb" with this... WLAN is nice for
|occasional browsing
|etc, but you hardly have a permanent connection, which is what Fb
|Martijn Tonies
|Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL,
|NexusDB, Oracle &
|MS SQL Server
|Upscene Productions
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