Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Facing Problems in executing the Select query
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
rambabu_piridi wrote:
> We are working on Java/iBatis with Firebird DB on Windows single CPU
> machine. Each query in our case would be within its own transaction.
> In the case of an INSERT or UPDATE query the start & commit
> transaction would be required. But will this also be true in case of
> a SELECT query? (none of the sub-queries update or insert into the
> database; they only select data)
> Also, how to set ForcedWrites ON/OFF?
> Bipasha

As Alan said:

When you start/finish a transaction there are pages that need to be
written, even if you just have selected data.

see you !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil