Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Facing Problems in executing the Select query
Author Alan McDonald
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > We are using Firebird 1.5.3 for our application. We
> are
> > > using a SELECT query which fetches data from four different
> tables. If
> > > this query is executed for about 10,000 times, we observed that
> the
> > > number of IO write operations on the Firebird service is much
> larger
> > > than the number of IO read operations. Does the number of
> executions
> > > of a query affect the number of IO read/ write operations?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Sarvani
> >
> > everything is happening within the context of a transaction.
> > The transaction IDs have to written
> > Alan
> >
> Thanks for your post. But could you please elaborate a little more?
> We are not very clear about this...
> bipasha

well, you say you execute the query 10,000 times.
I don't know if you execute it within the context of one transaction or if
you start and commit a transaction for each of the 10,000 executions.
I have no idea what language or component set you use for all this.
assuming that you execute a query within it's own transaction, then the
server will create the transaction (write), you will request the records
(read), you will commit the transaction (write). So yes - the impact of
10,000 queries certainly has an impact on IO read/write operations. If you
are running linux with forced writes off then these opearations will be
delayed, if you use Windows with FW ON, then these operations are immediate.
