Subject RE: [firebird-support] Performance Problem
Hi Anderson,

Sorry for the delay.

Let me explain the complete functionality. I have a Swing component,
which can take the backup of data from db to .csv files and also
restores the data from .csv files to .fdb file.

I have one User table which contains all User
information(uId, name, password, nickname, role, code, email,
designation, description). Some users are grouped together and they will
be given group name. This information is stored in Groups table(Groupid,
groupname, uid). There exist one-many relationship between users and
group table(i.e. one user can belongs to any number of groups). I'm
using iBatis as the data mapper between my Java code and Firebird Db.

I have tested the component with 15,000 user
records where each user belongs to 20 groups. The following is the flow

1. Before creating the user, it will check in the db whether user exists
or not. If user exists n the db, it will update the record otherwise a
new record will be inserted.

2. Checks for the existence of the group, if group exists, then the user
will be added to the group otherwise a new group record is created and
the user will be added to the group.

It is taking considerable amount of time to insert the records into db
in a single processor machine. But when it comes to multiprocessing
machine, the component is taking more than 1 hour. I hope now you can
get a clear idea.

Following is the hardware configuration of the machine

Server PC


OS :WindowsServer2003R2_Sp1
Mounting memory :256MB
CPU :Intel(R) Pentium4 CPU 2.40GHz

1. Could you tell us if you're testing your app over a network
(your app on a box and fb on another) or on the same machine

Both the accessing Component and the DB are in the same
machine, but the machine is in network(as it a server PC).

2. Are you sure you uninstalled FB SS and installed FB CS and has
no 2 server instances running.

Yah, whenever we wanted to change the server, we have
completely uninstalled the existing server installed the other one. For
this I'm very sure.




[] On Behalf Of Anderson Farias
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Performance Problem


I'm just guessing here as I've never seem FB Classic performing bad (nor
single or SMP boxes) and I, as stated before, have been using it for a
while. It may not be your code but some 'access component' you're using
some other 'infrastructrure'

I was thinking about Alexandre's post and, could you tell us if you're
testing your app over a network (your app on a box and fb on another) or
the same machine alltogether? If together, can you test it over network?
you change only the machine FB is running in)

Also, are you sure you uninstalled FB SS and installed FB CS and has no
server instances running (fb classic process are named fb_inet_server
SS service is named fbserver)


----- Original Message -----
From: <rambabu.piridi@... <> >
To: <
<> >
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: [firebird-support] Performance Problem

> Hi Anderson,
> If the problem is with my Java code, then why the difference
> occurred between two different configurations.
> I'm using simple code, which fetches the data from db and writes into
> some file. If it is problem with my code, then why it
> is working better in single processor machine.

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