Subject Re: my UDF shared libray can not be used in Vulcan
Author Adam
> This issue is more likely to be an issue of compiling a linux UDF,
> compiled under "FreePascal". And as such would be the same under
> Firebird 2 as well as Firebird 3.

> So I think it still holds it's ground as a release question.


If the OP can demonstrate this problem on a Firebird 2.0.x install
(even Firebird 2.1 or + is off topic until it is released), then it is
indeed relevant on this list. If not, they should follow the
instructions in the docs (that came with the pre-release kit) about
where to file bug reports or ask questions, and the way they need to
be reported. Every one I have ever read explicitly states to not post
questions to this list in the first couple of paragraphs.

Do you *really* want the "white noise" of bug reports to beta builds?
These can clutter out questions from people who aren't trying to be
field-testers like the OP.
