Subject Re: [firebird-support] Righ way of doing that ?
Author Hans
For many of us English not native tongue :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mr. John" <mr_johnmr@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Righ way of doing that ?

> Thanks.Sorry,I've answered from my friend account but yahoo delay it,sorry
> for using "things",english is not my language.I'll take all advices. Many
> thanks !
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: sasha <selectnull@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 8:24:07 PM
> Subject: RE: [firebird-support] Righ way of doing that ?
> > Thanks for your advices.
>> For my problem "stock management" is management of IN and OUT
>> things.
> When you say things, and you mean something specific that you have
> already modeled in your database but you want to be abstract in your
> communication, then it's fine. But, if you really mean literally "things"
> in my experience that's recipe for trouble. You do not manage things,
> you manage something that is semantically defined.
> Of course, I might be completely wrong and you have modeled things
> and it works for you, then it's also very fine.
>> For stock I'll use a single table.Application has to
>> create various reports like "In/out from 01/07/2007 to
>> 31/07/2007" that's way I decided to organize stock by moth.
>> I'll take a report example :
>> In/out from 01/07/2007 to 31/07/2007
>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --
>> Id Begin quant.(on.01/ 07/2007) In Out Rest(on 31/07/2007)
>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
>> So, the stock is organized by months,it's true that depend of
>> I/O of every day.
>> Rest = Begin quant+In-Out.
> Reporting is very easy if you have done your database model right.
> When posting code try to use SQL and not some pseudo .Net code
> because this group can really help you with SQL.
> Another advice I would give you is to prepare sql scripts to insert random
> but meaningfull
> data into your tables. It should be set up in a way that enables you to
> generate
> as many rows in tables as you need. That way you will be able to really
> test
> how
> your application behaves under more or less something that will be used in
> production.
> That will also enable you to see problems with you SQL code in advance,
> since it is very
> easy to write SQL that gives you right results, but is totally useless
> speed-wise when you
> have 500.000 rows in a table. Differently written sql statement will also
> give you results
> but in much less time.
> Sasha
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