Subject Re: [firebird-support] Apply metadada changes without bacjup/restore cycle
Author Jorge Andrés Brugger
Please, Firebird Gurús, you have the answer (which could be "no, it
isn't possible")


jbrugger escribió:
> I need to apply some metadata changes, like:
> Update Rdb$Fields set Rdb$Collation_ID =
> (Select C.Rdb$Collation_ID from Rdb$Collations C
> where C.Rdb$Collation_Name='ES_ES_CI_AI')
> where Rdb$Field_Name='D_NOMBRE';
> (Changing a domain collation)
> Is there any chance to see changes applied to database without the
> backup/restore cycle? Is there any other way to change domain collation?
> Thanks!
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> Visit and click the Resources item
> on the main (top) menu. Try Knowledgebase and FAQ links !
> Also search the knowledgebases at
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> Yahoo! Groups Links

Jorge Andrés Brugger
DASU - Obra Social del Personal de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia
Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina
Teléfono (0297) 446-4444 int. 103
Correo electrónico: jbrugger@...