Subject Re: [firebird-support] "Number of index page error : 3"
Author Vlad Horsun
""mnavahan"" ...
> Dear Friends
> I have some db problem with Firebird 2.1 beta 1 the same as last
> 1. first i now have very good hardware with ECC ram
> 2. NO any power fail and restart With good UPS !
> 3. also force write is ON (yes ON)
> 4.and i do not merge any DDL and DML
> but still see in validation :
> "Number of index page error : 3"
> this need backup , restore to resolve this problem

This need just recreate index

> what mean ?

Read firebird.log

> and also this mean data coruption ?

It depends

> and also how this error ocurs ?

I already give you detailed answer about this errors and other.
Index errors most probably fixed after beta 1. Download snapshot
if you can't wait for beta 2
