Subject Re: [firebird-support] Frequent database corruption
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:48 PM 23/07/2007, you wrote:
>OS : Linux kernel 2.4.21
>Version: LI-V6.3.1.4481 Firebird 1.5 / superserver
>We are using firebird on an embedded device for a while (i386,
>RAM=128MB), and are experiencing very frequent database corruption. The
>database file is in this case even no more being able to be backuped
>with gbak. In firebird.log, I can see many errors:
>eds2-2STD-VID (Server) Wed Jul 4 11:05:00 2007
> Database: /data/db/sistore_cx.fdb
> internal gds software consistency check (wrong record length
>eds2-2STD-VID (Server) Wed Jul 18 16:59:54 2007
> Database: /data/db/sistore_cx.fdb
> internal gds software consistency check (wrong record length
>In this case, some SQL queries will allways fail:
> SELECT * FROM EventsUnfinished( '____00__', '____0_0_', '2007-07-20
>17:10:34.000' )
> => internal gds software consistency check (can\'t continue after
>In this case, the only thing we can do is to delete the database and
>re-create a new one. Allmost all databases get corrupted, soon or later,
>leading to a complete loss of all datas.
>In the application, there is only one unique thread executing all
>queries (so no consequent access at all).
>Has someone any idea that could help us to solve this problem?

Describe exactly what you mean by "an embedded device".
