Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Undocumented internal encrypt/decrypt in FB
Author Max Renshaw-Fox
>> In my case, I'm not trying to prevent some agency of a
>> national government from reading my stuff, I'd just like to
>> make it a little harder for an unscrupulous competitor to
>> make off with my specialized database unbeknownst to me.
>> Swapping the security database is trivial and well
>> documented (moving the stone), but most wouldn't bother with
>> DLLs and hacking, because the return isn't worth the effort
>> they'd have to exert and because it's apt to leave tracks
>> and if they're caught they're guilty of a serious Federal
>> (US, anyway) crime. Without the "cheap padlock" I'm likely
>> down to arguing a civil suit about a copyright violation.
> I have to agree completely with everything you wrote.
> Pepak
I would like to add my voice to this view also.
