Subject Re: c# connection string datasource
Author rkamarowski

is the firebird-net-provider list a forum? i clicked the subscribe
button, and sent the message that was presented. how does this list work?

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 02:52 AM 19/07/2007, Bob wrote:
> >Jeff,
> >
> >i've tried 'localhost', 'local' and null (dataresource=;), and i'm
> >still getting the error. this is a local database, and the 'test
> >connection' always come back as successful.
> >
> >here's the code that's making the call:
> >
> >
> > string connStr;
> > connStr = "User=SYSDBA;" +
> > "Password=masterkey;" +
> > "Database=c:/photography/databaase/csharp/rak-photography.fdb;" +
> > "DataSource=localhost";
> >
> > FbConnection conn = new FbConnection(connStr);
> > conn.Open();
> If you are trying to troubleshoot a driver connection problem, you
> should raise this question in the proper list for the driver
> interface you are using, viz. the firebird-net-provider list. The
> Firebird-support list is not for these interface-specific problems
> because, clearly, every different interface presents its own problems
> to new users.
> That's not to say that there's nothing about your Firebird setup that
> might be causing or contributing to your problems. But generic
> messages back from your interface layer are not helpful from the
> Firebird perspective. If you want anyone to know how to help you at
> that level, you should provide the Firebird-specific clues, such as
> the 9-digit error code and/or the associated text message, plus any
> messages that are showing up in firebird.log.
> You also need to say what version and model of Firebird you are
> encountering these difficulties on and what version of Windows.
> ^^ heLen