Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: c# connection string datasource
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:52 AM 19/07/2007, Bob wrote:
>i've tried 'localhost', 'local' and null (dataresource=;), and i'm
>still getting the error. this is a local database, and the 'test
>connection' always come back as successful.
>here's the code that's making the call:
> string connStr;
> connStr = "User=SYSDBA;" +
> "Password=masterkey;" +
> "Database=c:/photography/databaase/csharp/rak-photography.fdb;" +
> "DataSource=localhost";
> FbConnection conn = new FbConnection(connStr);
> conn.Open();

If you are trying to troubleshoot a driver connection problem, you
should raise this question in the proper list for the driver
interface you are using, viz. the firebird-net-provider list. The
Firebird-support list is not for these interface-specific problems
because, clearly, every different interface presents its own problems
to new users.

That's not to say that there's nothing about your Firebird setup that
might be causing or contributing to your problems. But generic
messages back from your interface layer are not helpful from the
Firebird perspective. If you want anyone to know how to help you at
that level, you should provide the Firebird-specific clues, such as
the 9-digit error code and/or the associated text message, plus any
messages that are showing up in firebird.log.

You also need to say what version and model of Firebird you are
encountering these difficulties on and what version of Windows.

^^ heLen