Subject Re: [firebird-support] test.fdb is not a valid database
Author Martijn Tonies
> i am using firebird 1.5.2 version ,
> i have a delphi 7 application who uses it in superserver mode,
> the database file is local , but the connection uses TCP/IP :
> machinename:\c\dbfolder\test.fdb

Wrong path, it should be: machinename:c:\

> , now when i restart and run the application the message appears :
> Exceptio EDatabaseError in module dbrtl70.bpl at 0000E951
> dbexpresserror:[0x0015]: Connection Failed .
> SQL Server Error : file c\dbfolder\test.fdb is not a valid database .
> if i connect with the 'local' path c:\.... it works .
> the only way i found now to be over the problem is reinstall firebird .

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - development tool for Firebird and more!
Upscene Productions
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