Subject Re: minutes between
Author Adam
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> >d_dude_2003 wrote:
> > > I have two TIME variables in FireBird stored proc. How do i
> > > the integer representing the minutes difference between them?
> > >
> > > Is it (TIME2 - TIME1)/60?
> At 09:43 PM 5/07/2007, Magnus Titho wrote:
> >(Time2 - Time1) * 24 * 60
> Not so for (TIME - TIME): it is a DECIMAL (9,4) in seconds.

You should also keep in mind that the TIME datatype does not hold the
date, so to ask for an interval doesn't really make sense. The number
of seconds returned are based on the assumption that the two times in
the calculation fall on the same date. If you roll-over midnight, you
will get a negative number.

To avoid this confusion, it is probably best to cast as timestamp
using the appropriate base dates before the subtraction. This will
return the number of days (eg. 1.25 = 1 day 6 hours).
