Subject Re: Firebird Help!
Author Milan Babuskov
--- Helen Borrie wrote:
> No, Firebird SS won't work without it. You can't make a direct
> local connection on Linux with SS.

Perhaps I missed something, but I don't see 'direct local connection'
as a requirement anywhere in OP's message?

>>> SS (fbserver) does* start a process and it sits there
>>> listening for a connection attempt via xinetd
>> Not really, it's listening for connection attempts on its
>> own. I have a bunch of SS instalations and none of them has
>> xinetd (some even don't have it installed).
> Tell us more.

Here's one of my FB SS 2.0.0 servers:

[root@beasty ~]# pstree | grep fbs

[root@beasty ~]# ps ax | grep inetd
2598 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep inetd

[root@beasty ~]# lsof | grep gds
fbserver 2578 firebird 0u IPv4 14664 TCP *:gds_db (LISTEN)
fbserver 2579 firebird 0u IPv4 14664 TCP *:gds_db (LISTEN)
fbserver 2582 firebird 0u IPv4 14664 TCP *:gds_db (LISTEN)
fbserver 2583 firebird 0u IPv4 14664 TCP *:gds_db (LISTEN)
fbserver 2590 firebird 0u IPv4 14664 TCP *:gds_db (LISTEN)
fbserver 2591 firebird 0u IPv4 14664 TCP *:gds_db (LISTEN)

[root@beasty ~]# grep gds /etc/services
gds_db 3050/tcp # Firebird SQL Database Remote Protocol

As you can see, fbserver is clearly the process listening on port
3050, and (x)inetd is not running.


Milan Babuskov