Subject Re: [firebird-support] Stupid Programmer or a bug?
Author Dalton Calford
Hi Helen,

Helen Borrie wrote:
> Hi Dalton, LTNS!

You know, how that horrible thing called life keeps getting in the way
of getting any work done.
> OK, you should be getting an exception for this - you have to have
> all of the output fields other than the aggregating ones (count, sum)
> in the GROUP BY list. In ancient times your query would have been
> legal but not since at least Fb 1.5.
Yea, well, it was my "ancient times" memory that was getting me into a
stupid bit of SQL. I had grabbed my old IB 4 Data definition guide and
knocked off a quick query hoping that the error I would get back would
lead me down the right path.

> The latest build of IB_SQL handles exceptions by hanging up,
> unfortunately.
Yup, that was what was so disconcerting, as I used to use IB_SQL alot
and I relied upon it's error reporting, but I did not expect it to not
report anything at all. It is a shame to see the old tools not working.

I have been busy over the past few years with DB2 and Oracle. I have
not had to really look at the production servers as they just work
without maintenance. Of course a call from marketing with the need for
a new report always makes things more lively.

Thanks for the response

best regards
