Subject Re: [firebird-support] Mystery
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:30 AM 2/06/2007, you wrote:
>SELECT c.clntid, c.surname, c.forename, c.title, c.siteid, ,
>FROM Client c
>JOIN Site s ON c.siteid=s.siteid
>JOIN Company co ON s.compid=co.compid
>JOIN clntskill t1 ON (c.clntid=t1.clntid) AND (t1.skillid=34 )
>169 matches IN *139secs* :(
>(561K skills, 84k clients, 31k sites, 26k companies)
>This query appears to use all indices but first time it executes but
>it takes much longer than it ought.
>Once it is in the cache it takes ~2s but that is not much good to the
>end-user plus if you change the postcode to another one it takes more
>time than expected.
>Two Questions:
>1. Any ideas why it takes as long as it does?

561K skills, 84k clients, 31k sites, 26k companies - that's a pretty
big catchment for a 4-way join, so there's a stronger than usual need
to keep the execution environment optimal.

Understand that the cache is used to store previously accessed pages
and indexes. Do make sure you have a sufficiently large cache of
physical RAM on hand to keep that many pages useful. A cache that is
constantly being paged out to virtual memory because it's too small,
or because physical RAM is insufficient, is not terribly useful.

I don't know whether you made a typo in quoting your statement..but
check your code to make sure that your text search arguments are in
single quotes, not double quotes, just to be sure God is in His heaven.

And, because this is all inner joins, I'd shift all search arguments
into the search clause and test whether that improves the prepare time.

>2. Can I fill the cache ahead of time but issuing a clntskills query
>of some sort that would help with other clntskill requests?

You should always try to parameterize any static queries. Prepare
once, run many. Preparing the statement every time it runs is horribly costly.

SELECT c.clntid, c.surname, c.forename, c.title, c.siteid, ,
FROM Client c
JOIN Site s ON c.siteid=s.siteid
JOIN Company co ON s.compid=co.compid
JOIN clntskill t1 ON c.clntid=t1.clntid

AND t1.skillid = ?

Preparing the parameterized query in advance, , e.g. at application
startup, would remove the need for it to be prepared the first time
the user calls it. This isn't something you can do using your
current static query, since you are forcing a prepare every time the
statement runs.

You could test whether the extra hit at startup time was an
improvement on getting the hit the first time the application submits
the query. The cache won't be populated by preparing, of
course. Someone on the network is always going to take the "hit" for
the empty cache.

If these tables are subject to frequent maintenance and you're not
doing anything currently to housekeep indexes, now might be a good
time to start.
