Subject Re: [firebird-support] cont not install fb alpha 1...
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:16 PM 1/06/2007, you wrote:
>Hi I tryi nstall fb with this step
>1. Uncompress to c:\FB
>2. Add up to path in Enviroment variable
>3. excute install_super.bat
>get rror : The system cannot execute the specified program.
>what is my problem

Your problem is that you are a newbie trying to work with an
alpha. Get rid of it and install a release version (Fb 2.0.1 or
1.5.4), following the installation instructions in the release notes
if necessary.

Please don't post any more questions about alphas or betas in this
list. They are for field-testing by more experienced users who know
how to recognise and report possible bugs to the firebird-devel list
and/or the Tracker.

^ heLen