Subject | Re: [firebird-support] Simple isc_attach_database Question |
Author | Kurt Federspiel |
Post date | 2007-05-01T03:58:09Z |
Hi, Helen.
That helps a ton. I have an alias set up, which does
work locally, so I assume using the IP Address & Alias
will work (i.e. "") as my connect
I'll give it a try first thing in the (my) morning!!
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That helps a ton. I have an alias set up, which does
work locally, so I assume using the IP Address & Alias
will work (i.e. "") as my connect
I'll give it a try first thing in the (my) morning!!
> --- Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:"local"
> At 11:37 AM 1/05/2007, you wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >I need to attach to a DB across a LAN, but all of
> the examples show
> >attachments similar to:
> >
> >isc_attach_database(
> >status_vector,
> >0,
> >"employee.db",
> >&handle,
> >dpb_length,
> >dpb_buffer);
> >
> >
> >Can someone post a couple examples of using the API
> to connect across
> >the LAN??
> Those examples are horrible. The member that the
> example shows as "employee.db" needs to be a valid
> connection specification, consisting of two elements
> in the correct format for the server, viz.
> Element 1. hostname. This is mandatory except in
> two *specific* client/server conditions, each of
> which is specific to the OS and the application
> architecture. On Windows, it is the IPServer
> connection via Superserver or the embedded server;someserver:c:\Progr~01\Firebird\Firebird_2_0\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb
> on POSIX platforms it is the Classic server when
> using the client.
> Otherwise, the hostname must be either the
> LAN-recognised hostname of the server. If the
> connection protocol is TCP/IP, it can be the IP
> address instead, as long as the IP address of the
> host is statically defined and reserved. It cannot
> be a virtual server
> Element 2. file path. This is the filesystem path
> to the database file, as seen by the server. It
> cannot be a relative path and it cannot point to a
> mapped drive or anything else except the *physical*
> location of the file on a hard drive that is
> controlled directly by the host server. For a
> Windows server it has to include the drive
> designator of the drive or partition followed by a
> "/". For POSIX, a fully qualified path (from root
> down). You can find examples in the Quick Start
> Guide.
> On Firebird 1.5 and higher, Element 2 can be a
> database alias. If you don't know about database
> aliases, READ THE V.1.5 RELEASE NOTES. There is
> also an example in the alias config file
> aliases.conf in the firebird root directory.
> Here's one example for the employee database in a
> standard Firebird 2.0.x installation on Windows,
> assuming your server's hostname is "someserver" and
> the connection protocol is TCP/IP (recommended!):
> If you have the file location aliased, e.g.
> empdb = c:\Program
> then your connect string can be:someserver:/opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb
> someserver:empdb
> Similar if your server is the standard Linux
> installation:
> Or aliased as
> empdb = /opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb
> Connection string
> someserver:empdb
> ./heLen
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