Subject Re: [firebird-support] Linux performance
Author Steve Wiser
Are you accessing the server via IP address or host name?


Lester Caine wrote:
> OK I am getting into the Mandriva distribution, 20 minutes to install and
> configure a machine knocks spots off the 4.5 hours to put XP on the same
> machine. A couple of niggles with the process but I've run three clean
> installs onto an un-partitioned disk, and things are nice and consistent.
> PHP did not come with the DVD, but is accessible easily enough, and
> apart from
> a niggle with switching from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 version of Firebird that also
> installed. Just need to INSTALL xinetd before Firebird CS since it's not
> included by default. ( Replacing the clean 2.0.0 with 2.0.1 lost the
> xinetd
> config file somewhere :) )
> So I have a clean machine, and restoring the database works fast on
> board, but
> accessing the database over the network is s..l..o..w . The current
> setup has
> Apache/PHP5 on a W2k machine and the database on a second machine (
> bitweaver
> framework ). With FB1.5 running on a W2k machine I was seeing around
> 1.2 sec
> per page, switching to an XP machine running FB2.0.0 this dropped to
> sub 1
> sec, but switching the W2k machine to FB2.0.0 gives 0.6 or so seconds per
> page. FB2 runs a lot faster than FB1.5 on W2k, and XP eats into that
> speed
> improvement.
> OK switch FB2.0.0 in from the Linux machines, and 1 second becomes 5
> seconds.
> The IP addresses should all be provided by the 'hosts' file, ping time
> is sub
> one millisecond, all machines are plugged into the same 24 channel
> netgear box.
> The response time from IBOConsole is also very slow when accessing the
> Linux
> boxes as against a windows machine. In fact restore via IBOConsole was
> painful
> on the first box, but a lot better on the second. But are a lot slower
> than a
> local restore, but 10 mins against 10 secs for the first machine? I
> need to
> get 2.0.1 onto that machine which will be the next step anyway.
> Where do I go next to speed up the Linux network side of things? These
> are
> both AMD64 machines with 2Gb RAM so they should be faster than the
> windows
> boxes by a long way?
> ( I'll get Apache/PHP5 running on a linux box to see what happens
> then, which
> is where I am heading anyway - two boxes - one web server the other
> database )
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
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