Subject RE: [firebird-support] data retrieval
Author Alan McDonald
> It's to build a simple information tree, I believe. I'm not the
> implementer - the idea was bounced off me as I've had database
> experience, but couldn't come up with an elegant solution.
> Anyway, I think the tree is simply to show whether or not a specific
> type event (col2) has been scheduled on a specific day (col1). The
> additional info would include record details (like time, machine, test
> type, etc.). This would be used as an indicator as to when to start a
> machine, for example, kind of like a schedule. From the "overview"
> tree, the user would be able to "drill down" and get more detail as the
> displayed view expanded.

if it's a drill down then you only need the distinct select, then a
datasourced select query on col1 col2 to get the other (all) records of same