Subject | RE: [firebird-support] Trigger Syntax |
Author | ibrahim bulut |
Post date | 2007-04-03T07:59:11Z |
I can not see any information in pdf document about built-in LIST function
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Steinmaurer
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Trigger Syntax
Hi Myles,
built-in LIST function which does exactly this. For example:
select list(initial, ',') from resources where allocation_id = 1
Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
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>>Btw, this SP isn't necessary with FB 2.1 anymore, because there is a-----Original Message-----
>>built-in LIST function which does exactly this. For example:
>>select list(initial, ',') from resources where allocation_id = 1
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Steinmaurer
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Trigger Syntax
Hi Myles,
>> In order to improve performance on a query, I would like to add a triggerto
>> a table to automatically update a 'disply' field with some values. Theand
>> values would look like this:
>> 'XX,YY,ZZ'
>> And are based on the number of related resources that are allocated to a
>> slot. My table structure looks kinda like this:
>> (but it's a bit more complex in real life). Each resource has Initials,
>> this is what I want to show in the XX, YY, ZZ field. In order to dothis, I
>> believe I will need a small stored procedure that can be called fromwithin
>> a trigger, that will select all of the allocated resources, and then loopassociate
>> through the rows returned, extracting the Initials and creating a string
>> variable, seperated by commas for display.
>> I can see the syntax for a WHILE loop in PSQL, however how do you
>> this with the number of rows returned from a SELECT statement? I need toBtw, this SP isn't necessary with FB 2.1 anymore, because there is a
>> loop through each row returned and add to the string variable I'm
>> constructing.
>> All pointers greatly appreciated.
> Not bullet-proof, but the following might get you onto the right track.
> A selectable SP for getting a list of resource initials for a given
> allocation.
> SET TERM ^^ ;
> returns (
> RES_LIST VarChar(100))
> AS
> declare variable vInitial varchar(5);
> begin
> res_list = '';
> for select initial from resources where allocation_id =
> :allocation_id into :vInitial do
> begin
> if (res_list = '') then
> begin
> res_list = vInitial;
> end else
> begin
> res_list = res_list || ',' || vInitial;
> end
> end
> if (res_list = '') then
> begin
> res_list = null;
> end
> suspend;
> end
> ^^
> SET TERM ; ^^
built-in LIST function which does exactly this. For example:
select list(initial, ',') from resources where allocation_id = 1
Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
Visit and click the Resources item
on the main (top) menu. Try Knowledgebase and FAQ links !
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