Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Row ID
Author Ann W. Harrison
bkirk_lrs wrote:

> I have a legacy Firebird database
> that I need to post data from and I cannot manipulate the database
> in any way (i.e., I need to work the database "as is").

OK. Does that mean that you can't delete data from it? That you
don't create new data in it or modify existing data? If you never
delete, then rdb$db_key is reliable until the database is backed
up and restored.

> I have not been able to figure out how to pull rows by a rowid
> (aka - oid, uid, row id, etc.). There are only 5 items in the table
> schema (1 date stamp and 4 ints) and a constraint using an index
> (as the primary key) that uses the timestamp and lane number
> (app-specific int value) columns.

I guess I don't see how you can have a non-unique primary key. I
suppose you could delete one, change from daylight saving time to
standard time, and store a row with the same primary key again. But
those would be two different rows and should both be posted. Your
target database will need to disambiguate them.

