Subject RE: [firebird-support] delphi VS firebird's components - the palette named "Interbase Admin" ref/eDN2022857063
Author Alan McDonald
> > Dennis
> Are you using firebird 2.0? If yes, than the problem occurred from
> fbclient.dll. The IBX component will check whether the version of this
> .dll is higher than version 6 or not (as the Interbase version). If
> not, that the palette Interbase Admin will be hidden. This problem
> doesn't occurred if you using firebird 1.xx.
> I've already asked for this problem in previous post long time ago, so
> the solution is replace fbclient.dll (which is rename to gds32.dll)
> with the FB 1.5.x (or with the gds32.dll that come with interbase) to
> display the Interbase Admin. But, this will be raise an another
> problem (can't connect to FB 2.0 in some case).

no no no... just use the legacy client which is also generated when you
install FB2. It can be named gds32.dll with a version number recognised by
the IBX components.
open the source of the admin components and remove the test for the
gds32.dll version number. This list has several messages pertaining to this
recommended change.

> Another solution is to replace the IBX Component with another
> component, such as Mercury Database Object (MDO) which is very similar
> with IBX Component.
> ---
> Best Regards,
> Andi Wangsadijaya