Subject RE: [firebird-support] 1.8Gb database performance issues
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi
> We have an application which has worked well for a few years now but
> we are now
> seeing a huge degradation in performance.
> Server: Dedicated to firebird Dell 2850 8GB Ram, 2 x 3.6Ghz xeon
> processors, Raid 5
> OS: Mandrake linex 2.6.11
> Database: 1.8 Gb (single db)
> Firebird: Ver 1.5
> The current settings which I think are relevant are as follows:
> #SortMemBlockSize = 1048576
> #SortMemUpperLimit = 67108864
> #CpuAffinityMask = 1
> DefaultDbCachePages = 8192
> Below is the configutation file for reference
> Any ideas on improving performance would be greatly appreciated
> Regards Cao

gee - not much point in giving us the entire config file - we all have the
comments - why not just give us the lines which have non-default values.
And you've done nothgin to the database at all in all this time?
you haven't done a restore and inadvertantly forgotten to activate the
indexes on restore?