Subject Re: Can I use FB Embedded with VB6?
Author delphi_guru5792
--- In, Ivan Grozny <mt_headed99@...>
> fbConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security
Info=False;" _
> & "Extended Properties=" _
> & "DSN=MyDSN;Driver=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver;" _
> & "Dbname=" & fbDataBase & ";CHARSET=NONE;" _
> & "UID=" & fbUser & ";PASSWORD=" & fbPassword & ";" _
> & "Role=admin;Client=" & App.Path & "\fbembed.dll "

How was MyDSN created? In The ODBC Manager?
Being able to copy my app and a few DLLs into an install dir makes
installation easy, but how do we create the DSN, so the client does
not have to?