Subject RE: [firebird-support] Query regarding Firebird Login
Hi Helen,

Thans for your valuable suggestion.
Can you please tell me the approach to modify the userId and password.
I tried with GSEC, but I could not be able modify them.



[] On Behalf Of Helen Borrie
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Query regarding Firebird Login

At 05:22 PM 1/02/2007, you wrote:
>Can any one tell me "Is it possible in firebird to modify the userId
>password after the database is installed."
>While installing the database, I specified the user id as = test and
>password as test .
>Now I want to change them to sysdba and masterkey.

Unless there is something you are not telling, you don't have to do
anything. The database SERVER owns the logins and stores them in a
database called security.fdb (or security2.fdb if you are using
v.2). On all platforms the user SYSDBA is already there. On
Windows, the default password is already 'masterke' (only 8
characters of a password are read).

On Linux, the installation script generates a password of 8 random
characters for the SYSDBA. To find out what it is, read the text
file SYSDBA.password in Firebird's root directory. You can change
the password if you like, even to 'masterke'. Use the gsec utility for

I guess you know that using 'masterke' (or masterkey) as the SYSDBA
is not a cool idea. Every man and his dog knows it and the SYSDBA
has destructive rights over all databases and their objects.


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