Subject Re: Determining the Root_Directory
Author Dan Cooperstock
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
> Your fbembed.dll needs to be renamed to either fbclient.dll or
gds32.dll. Are you sure that PB is finding the right library or
could it actually be connecting to the *full* server through a
regular client (perhaps an InterBase one) in its own search path?
> ./heLen

I have renamed fbembed.dll to fbclient.dll. I am using the Gemini
ODBC driver, and specifying a custom location for the Client Library,
which is in my compiled application's install directory. Under that
directory, there is a UDF subdirectory with the required UDF DLLs.
(That's where I would have thought it would locate the

While I do have a server installed, it is turned off.

Can I ask again, though - is there some global variable / keyword or
something I can examine (presumably as a SELECT from RDB$DATABASE)
that tells me what FireBird thinks the Root Directory is? If not,
wouldn't this be good feature for future versions, for debugging
problems like this?
