Subject Re: [firebird-support] Lengthen RDB$FIELDS.RDB$FIELD_NAME?
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:26 AM 13/12/2007, you wrote:
>I am new to Firebird, and I am trying to port a database from SQL
>Server to Firebird. The SQL Server database has field names as long as
>37 characters. RDB$FIELDS.RDB$FIELD_NAME has 31 characters, so I am
>getting an error about string truncation.
>The simplest solution would be changing the length of the column, but
>what are the dangers of that?

Complete corruption. Don't interfere with the system tables. Period.

>Am I going to be forced to change the
>name through tens of thousands of lines of code?

Yes. And if you want a long and happy life, use "legal" identifiers, rather than subject yourself to the lifelong burden of quoted identifiers.
