Subject Re: [firebird-support] Error: message length error (encountered 36, expected 32)
Author Steve Wiser
hmmm... It fails with 1.5.5 RC1 CS on linux as well. I am not sure
what else to do or test. I guess I will just wait until it happens
again in production or something since we can't narrow it down to a
specific set of data or a specific block of code.


Steve Wiser wrote:
> Another update:
> 1.5.4 CS on linux also gets the same "message length" error. We are now
> testing with 1.5.5 RC1 CS on linux and will post the results.
> -steve
> Steve Wiser wrote:
> >
> > Update on this:
> >
> > The procedure and database work when the server is 2.0.3 CS. We kept
> > the ODS version the same and it worked. We are testing it now with
> > 1.5.4 CS and I will post the results.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Steve
> >
> > Steve Wiser wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > We are getting a strange error on one of our customer's databases.
> This
> > > code base is run on about 20 different customer databases, but is only
> > > giving an error on 1 of them...
> > >
> > > I have searched the newsgroups (and googled) for the "message length
> > > error" and the 2 reasons that I have seen for it are 1) client to
> server
> > > version mismatch and 2) calling execute on a stored procedure that
> has a
> > > suspend. We are getting "Error: message length error (encountered 36,
> > > expected 32)" every time we run a specific stored procedure. We have
> > > tried running it from isql directly on the server, IBEpxert from a
> > > windows client, IBPerl from a different linux client, and java
> from yet
> > > another linux client. All of them are using the correct client
> > > libraries from what I can tell. We are calling the procedure as a
> > > select statement (it does have a suspend at the end of it).
> > >
> > > We have even run IBFirstAid on the physical database file and it tells
> > > us that there is no corruption with the database. Does anyone know
> what
> > > this particular "message length" error means?
> > >
> > > The database does a backup and restore without any errors. The
> database
> > > has been moved to multiple test servers and always gives the same
> > > error. It doesn't seem to happen when we run the procedure on a single
> > > record at a time, only if we run it as a giant loop through the
> tables.
> > >
> > > Server Info:
> > > Firebird 1.5.3 CS
> > > xinetd
> > > ext3 filesystem
> > > CentOS 4.5
> > > Dual Quad-Core Xeon X5355 (2.66 GHz)
> > > 8 GB of RAM
> > > 4 GB of swap
> > > 400 GB of HDD Space in DB partition
> > > Database is about 20 GB single file FDB
> > >
> > > gstat output:
> > > Database header page information:
> > > Flags 0
> > > Checksum 12345
> > > Generation 20160
> > > Page size 8192
> > > ODS version 10.1
> > > Oldest transaction 4379
> > > Oldest active 4380
> > > Oldest snapshot 2907
> > > Next transaction 20153
> > > Bumped transaction 1
> > > Sequence number 0
> > > Next attachment ID 0
> > > Implementation ID 19
> > > Shadow count 0
> > > Page buffers 0
> > > Next header page 0
> > > Database dialect 1
> > > Creation date Dec 3, 2007 22:39:15
> > >
> > > Variable header data:
> > > Sweep interval: 0
> > > *END*
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Steve
> > >
> > >
> >
> >