Subject Re: [firebird-support] Upper case behaviour
Author Geoff Worboys
Hi Set,

> I wondered whether this whole issue is something belonging to
> Firebird itself or if tools/connection components would be an
> equally appropriate place to provide something similar.

The tools may be able to extract the case of the table and
field names used in your select statement (if the tools try to
parse it for themselves, rather than leaving it up to the API
or access library to manage). But many tools do things like
allow you to browse the tables in the database... in such
cases they must extract the table/field names from the database
and so only see the version kept by the database. And then you
get into the interesting situation of the table list showing
'MYTABLE' but your select shows 'myTable' and you are left
wondering if they are the same thing (because, in the current
arrangements, they need not be).

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing