Subject RE: [firebird-support] Upgrading from 1.5.x to 2.x on Mac OSX PPC
Author Alan McDonald
> I'm running 2.x on my Linux servers and found that I can NOT
> restore databases from the 2.x version to the 1.5 version
> (without some sneaking tricks) Since I do this frequently I
> need to upgrade my dev machine (a Mac PPC)
> So.. Before proceeding.. I'm looking for the following (and
> so far have not found it..)
> 1) Uninstalling Firebird 1.5 SS from a Mac
> 2) I notice there was some "security file" issues when using
> a previous 1.5 database.. I'm assuming I should backup and
> then restore after upgrading..??
> John..

You're upgrading a 1.5 security.fdb to a 2.0 security2.fdb
You can just run the upgrade script which comes with the 2.0 install
(PS - take a backup)