Subject Re-2: [firebird-support] FB 1.5.4 engine unexpectedly terminating
Author Björn Latte

> As soon as I see 10054, I suspect the NIC on either server or client(s). If
> it's always one client then it's probably that client NIC if it's everyone,
> then probably the server NIC.
> The 10061 errors are easily explained as results of the 10054 errors.
> If you're certain the NICs are all OK then I would look at the router(s) in
> the mix.

I will try and check on that.

Does having network issues on routers/NICs necessaryly lead to FB engine crashes?

I always assumed that a bad/dropped connections would result in operations being rolled back on the DB side, that possibly would have to be redone once a client gets reconnected.

Best regards

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