Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Please Advise
Author Alan McDonald
> This sounds like you are doing a lot of inserts followed by a lot of
> deletes. That's not bad but if performance is down, then I'd
> look to indexes
> as the culprit.
> Backup nightly, test restore nightly too to a separate
> location, but no, you
> don't need to restore to the live system every noght - total
> waste of time.
> You need to look at the Indexes with the specific queries in
> mind. If the
> application code is not accessible to you, i.e. you don't
> know the exact
> queries it is using then you'll have to make some intelligent
> guesses on
> what fields to check for indexes or add them where missing.
> Alan
> ***************************************************************
> how can i deal with the indexes, i.e what should I do to
> check that indexes, I am sorry I am not developer, I can
> access all the code of application, triggers, functions, etc...
> ~{ Ahmad F. Sarhan }~

For all we know this database may not even have primary key constraints
installed, in which case there are no indexes at all.
If you have a db admin tool, you need to explore it. Look at the tables,
check the presence of primary keys, and other indexes.