Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Database error
Author Alex (Breko)
Yes, thank you guys... everything is ok! Since not every user of firebird
expect any trouble, it would be nice if the program did some auto backup or
something.... cause if you just use a software (like her) and don't have any
idea how it works, would be great if the program did any kinda of
restoration point or something. Even if it don't, coulda have some kind of
'user-noob-friendly-message' like: "The program is having this problem,
click here to know more about this" and when the user click it forward the
noob-user to a web-page with some technical-problems, description and how it
may be solved. I'm saying this cause we were so desperate and didn't know
what to do -.- Anyway thanks a lot ppl

[ ]'s

Best regards...

On Nov 13, 2007 9:29 PM, Adam <s3057043@...> wrote:

> > Maybe, it will be interesting if the engine could make a backup
> > automatically after a certain number of transactions.
> There are already many tools that are available for backup and
> restoring Firebird databases.
> Download -> Third Party Tools and Libraries
> Backup / Restore Utilities
> I don't think you can equate the number of transactions with the
> importance of the information stored. Furthermore, there would be
> issues such as where Firebird should create this backup file. Users
> who would bother to actually set this configuration would be the same
> ones who already configure a scheduled task to run gbak. IOW, I think
> it is a solution in search of a problem.
> Adam

Alexander de Souza a.k.a Breko

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