Subject RE: [firebird-support] Lock conflict
Author Alan McDonald
> > Hi
> > LI-V6.3.2.4731 1.5 Classic, RedHat Enterprise, 9G database
> >
> > In the evenings when gbak -g is running the clients are
> > encountering lock conflict on no wait transaction
> >
> > Deadlock
> >
> > Update conflicts with concurrent update
> > These errors began to occur two months ago, then we've
> > performed backup and restore - the problem went away.
> >
> > After cca 2 months the problem reappired.
> > Any suggestions
> > Best regards
> > Bogdan Mugerli
> Ahh... Backup and restore? Can you clarify the restore thing? Alan
> There is nothing to clarify, simple backup and restore once
> per year to purify database.
> Bogdan

The restore part of this equation has nothing to do with the lock conflict.
That's my point... Unless you are restoring over the top of an existing
The restore operation is totally exclusive of any access to the database in