Subject Re: [firebird-support] Optimizing FB 1.5 for Data Warehousing
Author Woody
From: <myles@...>
> We are using a Firebird 1.5 SQL database for a data warehouse on a number
> of
> sites, where an external application does a nightly 'kill & fill' of the
> database. The database contains about 20 tables of business data, and
> about
> 1/4 of the tables contain in excess of 20,000 rows.
> What we have been noticing is a gradual deterioration of speed over time
> with this process. Yet the performance of the database for queries is
> acceptible.
> The nightly process first does a DELETE for all rows in all tables,
> setting
> the database to empty.

If you are deleting everything in the database, couldn't you just delete the
database and recreate it? That would give you a clean slate to work with
every day. If you are concerned about generator values and such, you could
store their present values and reset them after creating the new database.

Woody (TMW)